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INTERLUDE: Live Map Update! Follow Us in "Real Time" and How We Named BOAT

Hey Everyone! I am not the best at real time updates (clearly). In an effort to get ahead of my terrible timeliness, sharing with you an app that you can track us in real time, if you are the app-y type and want to follow us live, seeing where we are on a map. FINDSHIP for IPHONE: CLICK HERE FINDSHIP for ANDROID: CLICK HERE both are free apps! All you need to do after download is search "BOAT" in main screen in "Name/Callsign/MMSI/IMO..etc." field We are usually listed first in the drop down listed identified vessels that populate once you type in "BOAT" (apparently we are not that original in our clever naming of our sailboat....BOAT)

*CLARIFICATION: this app is in addition to the blog site I am keeping here. All stories like I have previously been sharing will continue to be posted here as I am ready with them. The maps page will also be updated once we hit new anchorages/ports. The FINDSHIP app is only a suggestion if you would like to follow-us in real time outside of my check-ins with this blog page. We have some friends already using it and share they love being able to check in and see where we are at any given time. Hope this note helps clear up any confusion!


HOW BOAT GOT HER NAME Story about coming to our sailboat name, since I’m sure you are dying to know! Our sailboat was originally named "Tercer Deseo" when we bought her and translates to "Third Wish." We wanted to rename her (well, truth be told, I was ok with it, Skipper Jay was dead set on renaming.) Yes, there is superstition about renaming a boat, but superstition is superceded if and only IF you follow the proper "Renaming Vessel Procedure" which we did, one feisty evening with our dockmates and with lots and I mean LOTS of champagne. (Sailors are an odd bunch with weird superstitions, like no bananas onboard, but I won't get into their psychological issues, which are many, in this story as I promised this to be a short-er story) Anywho, we spent weeks discussing clever, super profound, cool sounding but meaningful names. Seriously it's like trying to come up with a pet or child's name but more badass where you aren't concerned if they will be made fun of on the playground for being named "Thor" or the ever appropriate "Horney Hooker" (god, I hope no one ever names their kid "Horney" if their last name is Hooker!) And for the record, I did NOT come up with that on my own, there is a fishing boat in our marina named this and I cringe every time we pass it--terrible! ...OK FINE, just a little funny in a tongue-and-cheek sort-of-way) So after spending so much time ruminating on it, making lists upon lists and discussing for many nights in a row ("but does she LOOK like a [fill in the blank]" We jokingly suggested (arguments differ as to which one of us came up with it first) “BOAT” cutting the BS in trying too hard with the esoteric, super clever/original, and uber cool boat name. IE: Hypothetical exchange in our my mind after picking our ‘INSERT UBER COOL’ boat name: Person: What is your boat name? Us: "oh, its 'XRETHERTIAH' Person: oh wow, that’s really unique and super cool! What’s the story or what does it mean? Us: Well, funny you should ask. Based on our joint ancestral histories of our forefathers it's a mashup of the word "magic medallion" in Arabic and the Swahili sea nymph goddess that brought feuding tribes peace by offering her golden heart as tribute in exchange for the wellfare of her people displaced in a foreign land thus offering safe passage" I mean seriously, we aren't that clever or cool. Each back and forth evening we kept coming back to "BOAT" and laughing every time. Seriously, how freaking funny and stupidly Capt. Obvious? Plus, based on the dictionary definition, she is a technically a "yatch" so, even funnier to us! Eventually, we got tired of trying to be cool/clever/original and just went with the obvious. And honestly, still makes us laugh every time we call on VHF or people make comment about seeing us on AIS. Let's be honest we are literal people with a dumb sense of humor. However, I am sorry for friends of ours that feel foolish calling us on VHF....I know, you sound like a moron, but there has to be humor and hilarity in boating, right? Anyway, our MMSI # is: 368014940 in case you have troubles finding us on FINDSHIP due to our obvious vessel name :) Happy Following and App-ing -Court

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